8 Natural Acne Treatment Tips To Clear Your Skin Of Blemishes Once And For All

Acne is one of the most annoying skin ailments. It is enough to spoil to your day! Many acne sufferers have discovered that natural acne treatments are better than those prescribed by their dermatologists. However, studies have not adequately proven their potency in the treatment of acne.

Popular natural acne treatment: 

1. Tea tree oil - Topical products containing tea tree oil are effective treatments although its process of healing is slow. Side effect is skin dermatitis and the risk that tea tree oil causes young boys to develop their breast. Caution: it can worsen symptoms of acne rosacea.

2. Zinc supplements. Acne symptoms can be alleviated by the mineral zinc by fostering the wounds to heal and reducing inflammation. By adding zinc to lotions and creams, acne eruption will be reduced.

3. Glycolic acid. This is a natural acid contained in sugar cane. By applying glycolic acid on your skin, dead skin cells are removed, pores are unclogged and the appearance of acne scars is slightly diminished. Side effects: redness, mild stinging and skin irritation.
Before using any natural acne treatment, consult your doctor.

Since acne is an unpleasant and serious problem and no person is immune, adopt natural ways for its prevention:

1. Honey applied as a mask to your face once or twice a week can prevent bacterial infection and heal minor skin blemishes.

2. Washing your face twice a daily with acne soap is a good preventive measure. It can be done in the morning upon rising and in the evening before retiring.

3. Comb hair away from your face - Your hair contains oil and may start acne breakout. Wash hair daily and after exercising.

4. Take a potent multi-vitamin - Acne can be a symptom that nutrient in your body is not adequate. One common signal is the production of too much fat that clogs pores and brings about acne. Multi vitamins can provide what is lacking.

5. Eat carrots - Carrots are rich in Vitamin A (beta carotene) which reduce fat production. This vitamin strengthens, maintains and repairs body tissues. It is also rich in antioxidant which is needed to eliminate toxins.

6. Wash off make-up - Make-up on your face encourages clogging of your pores; thus pimples and black heads will pop up. Wash off make up thoroughly before you retire.

7. Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads. - Bacteria on your hands will spread and infect your face. The blood resulting from squeezing pimples and black heads will contaminate the skin.

8. Change your pillow case and bed sheet clean - Pillow cases and bed sheet absorb the oil and dirt from your skin and will reapply them to your face. Thus acne is likely to break out.
With natural acne treatment and proper measures, you will be able to live a life free from acne problem.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Casey_Gentles

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How to Get Rid of Acne Fast at Home

Why use Acne Home Remedies?

Many people choose to use natural home remedies to cure their acne because of one word: "natural". People don't like the harsh chemicals that you get at your local pharmacy, so they turn to home remedies. When these first home remedies were discovered, they were usually passed down from generation to generation. However, they were eventually made public and were shared with everyone.

These home remedies won't guarantee the fastest results, but faster isn't better. Remember, "Quality, not quantity!" That quote applies to acne home remedies as well.
However the saying would be: "Slow and natural, not fast and unnatural". Unnatural being harsh chemicals, etc. These home remedies can even prolong the youth of your face. In other words, they won't give you wrinkles as fast as unnatural products do.

Aspirin and Lemon Juice

This acne home remedy is a strange one that most might not know of. This acne remedy can be created in most homes. It involves aspirin and lemon juice! To create a paste from this, you'll need a couple of things:
  • 4 Aspirin Tablets
  • Lemons
  • Very Small Bowl (or anything you can find to make the paste [plate, bowl, etc.])
  • Any Crushing Device (Spoon, Fork, Knife, etc.)
Crush the four aspirin tables with the crushing device in the small bowl.
Squeeze some lemon juice into the small bowl into the crushed aspirin.
Mix the contents of the small bowl until it turns pasty. As soon as you see it as a paste quickly apply it to the affected area!
Allow at least 15 minutes for the solution to really cleanse the affected area.
Wash face and apply moisturizer
Hopefully this will work for you as it has for many.

How a Placebo Effect can Cure Acne

This remedy isn't truly a physical substance. A placebo effect is defined as: "(any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo; the change is usually beneficial and is assumed result from the person's faith in the treatment or preconceptions about what the experimental drug was supposed to do; pharmacologists were the first to talk about placebo effects but now the idea has been generalized to many situations having nothing to do with drugs)"

So basically, you can create your own placebo. However this won't work for yourself unless you completely forget reading this.

Even though this most likely won't work for you, this can work for your friend who hasn't read this. Basically, you can tell them any method and say that it is used to get rid of acne and acne scars. For example, "If you eat an orange every day for a month, your acne will go away by the end of the month". You can even purchase sugar pills (pills that are just made of sugar) and say that they are for acne. Note: This doesn't always work, but there's something in the brain that can actually make this work. I don't completely recommend this method, however it is definitely natural since no harsh chemical are required. Good luck! Hopefully this will work for you as it has for many.
AtHomeAcne is a site all about acne home remedies. You can visit AtHomeAcne at http://www.athomeacne.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dominick_B_Arnaldo
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